Saturday, November 19, 2011

asdf videos embedded!

Hello Teamgatebar rankmaniac colgate blog readers!  What are the most common keys pressed in a qwerty keyboard? Besides "qwerty" I would say: "asdf". Why? Think about it! When you are typing your papers/school work/rankmaniac colgate blogs like we do here at colgate university, where do the fingers on your left hand always come back to? Again, the answer is "asdf", because the letter "f" has the little bump, to guide your fingers back to their home... which is left index finger on "f" and right index finger on "j". But why is "asdf" way more popular than it's evil twin "jkl;" (the four letters on you right hand)? Well, one answer is: "the most common letters are on the left side of the keyboard..." This is true, but why on would we want to use our left hand more if the majority of people on Earth are right handed!  That seems like something a rankmaniac would do (No offense to lefties or anything.) I guess an answer to this would be that if you try typing a really long word with only one hand your hand can't handle it, so to keep some sort of rhythm or coordination between both hands going on so you can freely search for rankmaniac colgate.

Anyways, without further delay we bring to you, the series of "asdf" movies! (TomSka, the creator of these mini-series not "we", and are orthogonal to rankmaniac colgate) Just like the number of letters in "asdf", this mini-series of 4 episodes brings us a combination of events that do not really make any sense and it is not recommended for those who need meaning behind everything in life. Nevertheless, the episodes will have some recurrent themes that should resonate with rankmaniac viewers here at colgate. One of the best characteristics of this mini-series is that it brings out absurdities hidden in our daily lives, from the implications on cutting a cake to the saying "liking" train, to rankmaniac colgate antics. 
